Enactment-Based Storytelling

Enactment-Based Storytelling


The DiME project investigates the use of embodied enactment to support children’s creative thinking and creative self-efficacy in storytelling. We target children aged 8 to 11, as they undergo a period often referred to as the ‘fourth-grade slump’. DiME has resulted in a prototype that enables children to create stories through body enactment and the use of physical objects in a motion-tracking system setup. The system is based in the core concept of performative authoring. The main mechanisms by which performative authoring functions are the following: Body enactment and the support of physical objects allow the child to draw from his or her embodied prior experiences to bring forth story ideas. In continuation of the DiMe project, we are now investigating how the self-familiarity of the avatar would affect the embodied experiences in story creation. As an extension of this research, we also look into a similar approach for adults, where we investigate the design of a system that can visualize stories and ideas from the gestures and speech of creative workers.





  • Ranger Chenore (Undergraduate Student, University of Florida)
  • Grace Nemanic (Undergraduate Student, University of Florida)
  • Arnav Pangasa (Undergraduate Student, University of Florida)
  • Lara Disuanco (Undergraduate Student, University of Florida)
  • Yvette Williamson (Undergraduate Student, University of Florida)
  • Brittany Garcia (Ph.D. Student, Computer Information Science & Engineering)
  • Hannah Park (Ph.D. Student, Architecture)
  • Lexi Mitchell (Master’s Student, Texas A&M University)