The current interface for the DiME project allows for student participants in our studies to use various forms of recording/motion capture to create and enact their stories. The story is divided into units called ‘scenes’, which populate three different sections to reflect upon a commonly taught narrative structure in elementary school curriculums, consisting of a Beginning, Middle, and End. Scenes are filled in the story overview screen by dragging in a character, object, and backdrop, which are then used to enact with on the enactment screen. Scenes can be added, deleted, moved around within sections. Additionally, scene notes and titles can be filled in as the student creates their story.
Apart from these features, this interface supports our studies with elements that directly impact our research questions. It is capable of reflecting three different modes of ‘cognitive structures’, which influence the way a student structures their story through the interface. Currently, the interface is being integrated with various motion capture systems as we prepare to investigate and compare the various modes of enactment-based experiences through which a student can create a story.
Example Cartoon Scenes
Project team members
- Dr. Sharon Lynn Chu (ELX Lab Director)
- Sarah Brown (Ph.D. Student, Computer Information Science & Engineering)
- Lexi Mitchell (Master’s Student, Texas A&M University)
- Brown, S. A., Chu, S. L., & Loustau, T. (2019, November). Embodying Cognitive Processes in Storytelling Interfaces for Children. InĀ International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (pp. 357-363). Springer, Cham.